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    When sent consistently, the RIGHT real estate client newsletter will add value to, and deepen your relationships with clients, friends, and even family! One of the best ways to activate their ‘Reticular-Activator’, is a newsletter, which connects in ways, and has shelf life that no other medium can.

    When I first began using a newsletter in the mid to late 1990’s, I was skeptical to say the least. Within 4 months, we began receiving positive feedback from clients.

    Our business grew, but it was hard to quantify whether or not the newsletter had anything to do with our growth, or was even making an impact.

    Unsure, we decided to see what would happen if we stopped sending it. In about 6 weeks, we began getting calls and emails from a handful of clients here and there, asking if we had taken them off our list accidentally.

    By 10 weeks, we had received the message LOUD AND CLEAR!! “THE NEWSLETTER WORKED!!”

    We immediately began sending it out again, much to the appreciation of our clients, family and friends!

    Much like radio advertising the newsletter made all of our other internal marketing more effective! Adding the right newsletter to your marketing plan is an important step towards generating massive referrals on auto-pilot!


    (Ask your Club Wealth Coach about the Club Wealth “Done-for-You” Newsletter)

    Your client newsletter needs to be SNAIL MAILED, not just emailed. (email sucks compared to snail mail!) Mailing this newsletter to your A+, A and B clients on a monthly basis gives the proper engagement to your consumers.

Real Estate Client Newsletter Format

    Your client newsletter should be printed on 11×17 paper, and folded into a book. Colored paper and black ink works perfect and will save you money over unnecessary color ink. Having a mail house send this out for you is the most cost effective and efficient use of your time, AND it ensures everything is mailed correctly and neatly.

     This client newsletter needs to be FUN, and NOT real estate related. The articles throughout the newsletter should be positive, uplifting and random! Articles should never be sad or negative, as this newsletter is simply to show appreciation to and entertain people in your database!

     Your clients, friends and family don’t want to hear real estate ALL the time from you, they only want to hear about real estate when they are planning on buying or selling!

     People need to know, like and trust you before they will do business with you. They are more likely to do that when they feel as if you are a friend and not some sleazy salesman who sees them only as some commission check!

Sections to Include:

1. Message from you/your team

Including a message from yourself or your team, shows your clients that you are actually involved in the creation of the letter and you want them to know what is going on with your life and business, as if they were a friend

2. Friends Referring Friends

This section is a place to showcase your newest clients and thank them for choosing to do business with you. Also, this section is used for giving thanks to the people who referred your newest clients. (People love to see their name in this newsletter… I PROMISE!)

3. Monthly Quiz Question

This adds a fun, quirky way to get people to connect with you and your team members. Answering the quiz question correctly puts the client in a drawing for a gift card! (i.e. $5-10 to Starbucks) These questions are always random, easy and fun.

4. Client Q & A

This section allows you to give out answers to frequently asked questions, whether its about your team, buying or selling in general or yourself; this is another way to get people engaging with you!

5. Client of the Month

This section gives you the opportunity to truly show your appreciation to your clients and recognize their business with a gift card to a local restaurant.  People LOVE this, because they are put in the spotlight as well as given the recognition they deserve for sending you business and/or doing business with you!

6. Upcoming Client Appreciation Events

This is a GREAT way to advertise your upcoming Client Appreciation Event. This is another small, yet important point to follow, and your return on investment will show it…

7. Guaranteed Sale Program (or other U.S.P.)

You NEED to have a guaranteed sale program or other U.S.P. of some kind, and advertising this in your newsletter is the perfect subtle reminder to your clients!

8. Vendor Ads

This is a great way to advertise for your title company, mortgage company and other vendors you use frequently. Some vendors may even pay you for ad space! That isn’t the case every time, but running ads for them can also be a way of showing your appreciation and loyalty to them.

9. Holiday Coloring Contests

This is perfect for your clients and friends with children. Including a coloring contest is easy, cost effective and shows engagement and acknowledgement of a huge part of your clients lives! AND it’s fun for everyone, especially parents and their children!


As our way of saying thank you for taking the time to read this blog, we invite you to a FREE, 55-minute, NO PITCH, one-on-one coaching call with a Club Wealth coach! Request your Strategy Session!
About the Author

    [As an agent, Michael Hellicksonconsistently listed and sold over 100 homes per month!

     As a coach, he and the other Club Wealth Coaches, consistently help real estate agents, brokers and teams double, triple and even occasionally quadruple their income year over year while working less!

     Surprisingly affordable, Michael Hellickson and Club Wealth provide one-on-one coaching and consulting for real estate agents, brokers and team leaders.

     For more information, register for a no-cost, one-on-one Strategy Session with Michael or another of the Club Wealth Coaches.

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When sent consistently, the RIGHT real estate client newsletter will add value to, and deepen your relationships with clients, friends, and even family! One of the best ways to activate their ‘Reticular-