Juanita Suell
Client Care
Club Wealth® Employee Profile
Who are you and what do you do?
I am Juanita Suell, and I am the Client Care Specialist at Club Wealth. My role is to ensure a seamless client experience by developing and implementing administrative policies. I prioritize the needs of our clients and foster strong relationships with them. My dedication and expertise make me an invaluable asset to Club Wealth, where I am committed to providing the highest level of client care.
What is your role or contribution to Club Wealth®?
As the lead Admin I am responsible for the development and implementation of all administrative policies and procedures in addition to creating a client-centric relation.
What do you enjoy most about being part of Club Wealth®?
With 15+ years in the Culinary industry, I now relish the refreshing work-life balance and culture in my current position. The positive change has significantly enhanced my overall well-being and job satisfaction.
What are some of your hobbies and interests?
I enjoy cooking, gardening, gaming (both tabletop and electronic), reading, and spending time outdoors. These activities bring me relaxation, creativity, and fun, making my life fulfilling and enriching.
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